Recently Michael Zalewski posted a rant about the state of security engineering in Security engineering: broken promises. I posted my initial response to this on Twitter: “Great explanation of the issue, zero thoughts on solutions. Bored now.” I still stand behind that response. As a manager, problems without potential solutions are useless to me. The solutions don’t need to be deep technical solutions – sometimes the solution is to monitor or audit. Sometimes the solution is to do nothing, accept the risk, and make a note of it in case it comes up in conversation or an audit.

But as I’ve mulled over this post over the last two weeks, there is more going on here. There seems to be a prevalent attitude among security practitioners in general, and researchers in particular, that if they can break something it’s completely useless. There’s an old Yiddish saying that loosely translates to: “To a thief there is no lock.” We’re never going to have perfect security, so picking on something for being imperfect is just disingenuous and grandstanding.

We need to be asking ourselves a pragmatic question: Does this technology or process make things better? Just about any researcher will tell you that Microsoft’s SDL has made their lives much harder, and they have to work a lot more to break stuff. Is it perfect? No, of course not! But is it a lot better then it used to be for all involved (except the researchers Microsoft created the SDL to impede)? You betcha. Are CWE and CVSS perfect? No! Were they intended to be? No! But again, they’re a lot better than what we had before. Can we improve them? Yes, CVSS continues to go through revisions and will get better. As will the Risk Management frameworks.

So really, while bitching is fun and all, if you’re not offering improvements, you’re just making things worse.
